Sunday, June 28, 2009

Iran Protests Continue

There has been a spark of life among demonstrators today after the past week's violent repression. Among those wandering out to stand with demonstrators was Mehdi Karroubi in this video. Karroubi came in 3rd in the election before this. While he hasn't made much news in our cable news, he has a following in Iran and may be making his move now.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Watching Iran - 2

Some other places that are keeping tabs on what is going on in Iran.

Reporters Without Borders

CNN blog wire

Al Jazeera

Words from Mousavi

Even as we watch & cheer the revolts in Iran, I remind people that Mousavi isn't exactly Ghandi. He was a member of the government, supporter & proponent of the Islam revolution in Iran and isn't exactly Mr. Peace & Good Will. That said, here is some of Mousavi's latest word (from Tehran Bureau) on recent events (only a piece, the post is quite long, so feel free to click over to TBureau to get the rest).
A turning point in the history of our nation is emerging these days and nights. People are asking themselves and, in their rallies, me about what should be done [about the present situation], and which direction should be taken [to continue the protests]. I consider it my duty to explain to you what I think, and to tell you and be taught by you, so that we will not forget our historic mission, and take the responsibility for the future and fate of many [future] generation and eras. . . . We are not up against the Basij [the paramilitary group controlled by the government], they are our brothers. We are not up against the Sepaah [the Revolutionary Guards], they protect our revolution and our political system. We are not up against the army, the army protects the security of our borders. We are not up against our holy political system and its legal structure, it protects our freedom, independence and the Islamic Revolution. We are up against lies and deviations [from our revolutionary principles], and we wish to reform it [the system] by returning to the pure principles of the Islamic Revolution.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Watching Iran

There are so many places to keep in touch with what is going in Iran. Almost none of them involve cable or tv news.

Videos from Iran

UK's Guardian doing live blogs from Iran

Tehran Bureau from Twitter
And of course the hash marked tweets - (#iranelection) (#iranrevolution)

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