Sunday, June 25, 2006

Christmas Comes Again and Again for US Oil -- Thanks to Bush

When unchecked price increases just aren't enough for that special lobbyist whose hand is in their pocket, the Bush administration was finally able to deliver a present to Bush/Rove buddy Ernie Angelo and the oil industry this month. The gift? Well in 2002 Angelo asked Rove to do something about the EPA rule that was designed to keep groundwater around oil drilling sites clean. That most horrible rule was such a strain on the pockets of big oil that Angelo was forced to let Rove know that oil men had begun "to openly express doubt as to the merit of electing Republians when we wind up with this type of stupidity." Indeed! Why what's the point of electing Republicans if they can't get rid of the most basic health and safety laws in favor of big oil?

Well fortunately for those poor, desolate oil men, that law is now pretty much ripped to shreds. Now big oil can stop worrying about polluting the groundwater and get back to making money.


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