Wednesday, November 09, 2005

What Ho! Kansas

My grandparents lived in Kansas. My aunt lived in Kansas. These were smart people. So I know that there are smart people in Kansas. But for whatever reason, they've let the stupid people take over the school board. In a mind-boggling trip back in time, they want kids to learn less about the world than we know.

The Kansas state board of education has five STUPID people on it. I know, I know, we're supposed to be kind and not actually call people stupid, but let's face it. These people ARE stupid. Not calling them that doesn't hide their idiocy. Apparently some of them face tough races and look to be defeated, but the question remains, who elected these morons in the first place? Are they going by the theory that they don't want anyone in Kansas to be smarter than they are? Wouldn't it be easier for them to go live amongst rocks and stones, items that are only slightly smarter than these board members?


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