Sunday, December 11, 2005

Supporting the Troops

Isn't it about time we end this stupidity. Is it "supporting the troops" to

-send in too few troops so we can’t hold ground taken?
-start a pre-emptive war with no postwar planning?
-send them into war without the armor that they need?

Or, is it supporting the troops to insist that we don't send our men and women off to die and be injured for an neo-con ideal of how the world should be shaped? (yes, yes, it's about time we dump the whole WMD and Saddam/Osama best friends fake outs)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

we support the troops by insisting that they be adequately compensated for their service--college money, medical care, help with mortgage/job training--and by rallying around the seriously wounded, lifting them up, giving financial and moral support. that's short term. then we launch a campaign entitled, "never again," indicting the current leadership for CHOOSING WAR in a place where we are RADIOACTIVE and will be unable to influence the outcome in any positive way. then we call for a massive citizen action campaign to raise educational standards in this country, so that people will learn skepticism and EVEN respect for other people and cultures. I would require that every student spend six months outside the united states before he or she graduates. this would be a very different country if people knew concretely that there ARE other people in the world who DO NOT think like us and have very legitimate reasons for holding contrary views. you are not nearly as vulnerable to unilateral thinking if you have been abroad. once we get these things done, the electorate will not be bamboozled and lied into war--people will know to ask searching, probing questions and won't accept clicheed rationales and jingoism as a response.
that's how we support the troops, short and long term. i hope no one asks now, "on what planet?"

6:42 PM  

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