Saturday, December 10, 2005

Neo Con Tries to Slither out of Going to Hell

Now that he's at the World Bank, Paul Wolfowitz is talking the talk of feeding and caring for the world. He's suddenly concerned about the state of things past his front door. He did his let's control the world and go go go, fight fight fight - pushing us into a war in Iraq without ever mentioning those student deferments that kept him out of the army. Hey Pauly girl, the thing you'll have to teach us sometime is how you and your non-military service co-horts manage to get people to support your military endeavors.

Anyway, now that he's over at the World Bank, helping to, in his words, "free the world of poverty," he doesn't like to talk about Iraq so much. Or how we got into the mess.

Keep feeding the poor Pauly, and who knows, you just might be able to slither out of going to hell when you die.

But I doubt it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you wonder whether it's worse to have Paul at world bank refusing to address or take responsibility for the sorry state of affairs in iraq, OR donald rumsfeld going on tv explicitly to talk about it. on the news hour the other day, rumsfeld questioned the "obsessive focus" by the media on iraq dead and wounded. i mean, did you know there were 42,000 automobile fatalities last year that drew scarcely a mention here? and did you know that of the nearly 2,200 americans dead, ONLY about l600 died in actual combat? the other 400 died in "accidents(or suicides, one suspects)." i guess they are less dead than the KIAs. and and did you ALSO know that of the l6,000 wounded, some 8,000 were back on duty within a week?! so how come we have to look at these guys who wont walk again, see again, wake up again...
like i say, i don't know what's worse, silence or rumsfeldian chit-chat about this war. i've never seen anything, or anyone, so cold.

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right. I don't believe for an instant Rumsfeld gives a damn about any of the boys and girls that he's sent off to die.

10:49 AM  

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