Saturday, January 07, 2006

Conflicted! Conflicted!

On the one hand, I'm glad to see that one of the freakiest of the old line right wing groups out there has a poll where the vast majority of its people think that Bushie should be removed from office.

On the other hand, do I really want anyone from the John Birch Society on my side in any argument? I grew up with a few of these freaks scattered about my small town. They were not the sharpest knives in the drawer, but were astoundingly quick to find a communist conspiracy behind any rock.

And now the John Birch Society is advocating that we get out of Iraq because it's an "unconstitutional, unjustifable conflict devouring innocent lives" Can this be THE real John Birch Society? Or has there been some sort of unpublicized coup?

Be afraid. Be very afraid.


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