Wednesday, January 25, 2006

MD & VA State Capitals Flooded With Stupid Gas

I mean, really, can't that just be the only explanation for this gay marriage ban hysteria?

In Maryland, the concept of gay marriage has some folks so riled up that they think they've got to vote on it, even if they may lose. Senate Minority Whip Andrew P. Harris (Republican from Baltimore County) and apparently experiencing some sort of psychotic episode, said, "I think they know we can't take the risk of sitting it out and doing nothing."

Can't take the risk of sitting it out? We're not talking thermonuclear war here Andy, we're talking gay marriage.

And Maryland's Republican governor? ""We're going to protect marriage. Traditional marriage."

Loons! These state capitals have been taken over by loons! What on earth are they protecting marriage from? Two people who love each other actually GETTING married?

Somebody, somewhere, has got to explain this psychosis to me, because I honestly can't figure out what on earth their problem is. Were they all just dropped on their heads as children?


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