Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Those Are Some Pretty Healthy Lobbyists

When all those Members of Congress rushed the mic to proclaim their freedom from backroom deals, did they think that meant we'd stop looking at their backroom deals and take them at their word?

Silly MCs. It seems the HMO community would like to give a big shout out to those members of congress who backed up on their own legislation so fast you could hear the tires squeal. Apparently once they were reminded by HMO lobbyists that HMOs don't LIKE to be bothered with regulations or financial controls, Our now reformed MCs reworked their legislation in a nice private deal. Hey HMO community, I think a big basket of roses are in line for House member Bill Thomas (Republican from California) and Senator Charles Grassley (Republican from Iowa) for their role in working out a deal that benefits HMOs, screws taxpayers, and was pulled off without any of those pesky Democrats in the room.

A health care lobbyist who chose not to commit suicide by commenting by name on the issue called it a 22 billion dollar difference in favor of the HMO community.

$22 billion? Not a bad chunk of change. As a taxpayer, I know I sure don't mind giving up my taxes so the HMOs can grant some million dollar bonuses to their executives and pay off a few Members of Congress.


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