Saturday, January 21, 2006

You Could Always Spit on the Kids as You Pass By

Each spring there's an open to all Easter egg roll on the White House lawn (ok, well not each year, some years we hide because terrorists could be using eggs and children to ... oh, whatever). Anyhow, this year, the Family Pride Coalition has announced that they'd like to participate. Well since family pride is what we're all about here, should be a slam dunk (oops, sorry Bushies).

Ah, but no. Apparently the pride of these families is that they've managed to raise kids in gay or lesbian households. And without the kids apparently growing horns and chanting 666! Who could have imagined such a thing was possible!

So in honor of these successful families, the reaction to this announcement has, of course, been one of excitement and welcome.

Oh, wait, the Republicans are still in charge. Change that reaction to one of white-hot reactionary spittle spouting rage that is filling conservative chat rooms across the country. One group suggested that the Bushies go back to the 2003 tradition, which was invite only for military families (although in this case I think the invites would be for non-gay families only, I'd love to see how THAT would be worded). Another said that conservatives should rush to DC in an attempt to outnumber gay families. Good grief, Charlie Brown, what tools these fools be.

As of yesterday, Laura Bush's office was telling the press that everybody is welcome.

So will the nation's conservatives say "hey, fine, we're all parents in this together, trying to raise our kids in a scary, sometimes hostile world?"

I'll let you know just as soon as I manage to get those darned flying pigs off of my balcony!


Blogger Granny said...

I wrote a post on it yesterday as well.

Yours is funnier.

1:20 AM  

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