Sunday, February 26, 2006

Well That's One Way to Try and Go Down Better in History

Hide the evidence. Not a bad thought Georgie boy. Everyone familiar with Executive Order #13233 raise your hands.

Yeah, I thought so. It's so easily lost amidst the ocean of troubles Bush and his boys have to deal with, and the thousands of problems they've caused the rest of us.

What Bush did with EO #13233 was turn the Presidential Records Act of 1978 on its head. Afraid that all of their dirt would be sifted through by historians, the Bush administration decided to issue an executive order leaving it up to the President and their heirs to determine what documents would be released. That's right. Even after Georgie boy has passed into his well deserved spot in Hell, the twins can decide whether or not the American public ever get to see documents relating to his presidency and decisions (or more accurately, lack thereof).


Blogger AKH said...

How can this be legal?

8:39 PM  

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