Thursday, February 23, 2006

So You're Loving it Now, George?

Bush admin releaesd its The Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina: Lessons Learned report today. Bush actually took a question during the Cabinet photo op about Katrina. His remark? "I wasn't satisfied with the federal response." He WASN'T satisfied with it. Does Bush think somehow that it's gotten BETTER?

In George's mind, are there magic elves down in Biloxi, New Orleans and other devastated areas rebuilding homes and reenergizing neighborhoods? You know who's down there getting more work done? Volunteers. FEMA's response 6 months later isn't a whole lot better than it was during the hurricane.

We look forward to reading the report, which apparently has a list of recommendations that need to be completed before the next hurricane season.

Once again, the Bush administration is moving well to distract the public from ongoing failures. If we focus on the changes to made so it doesn't happen again, who's going to be standing up for the people and communities who are still devastated by the last time the Bush administration tried to help.


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