Tuesday, March 21, 2006

WTG Mr. Robinson

Check out Eugene Robinson's piece in today's Post, "The Planet of Unreality." He shows just how far off the edge the unholy trio (bush, cheney, rumsfeld) have wandered.

Robinson notes:
It's reprehensible when our highest elected officials act cynically, as I believe this administration has done -- Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the rest knew the evidence for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was less than conclusive, but they hyped it anyway to build support for an invasion they were determined to launch. It's dangerous when our leaders act cluelessly,l and the Bush White House has done plenty of that as well -- experts who called for a much bigger invasion force were silenced and shoved aside, assurances that Iraqi oil revenue would defray U.S. costs turned out to be a sick joke, and there was no effective plan to get the electricity turned on, much less deal with thousands of insurgents.

But cynicism and cluelessness are one thing. Actually being divorced from reality is another. Do Bush et al. really see only the democratic process they have installed in Iraq and not the bitter sectarian conflict that process has been unable to quell? Do they realize that whatever happens, there's not going to be a neat package, tied up with a bow, labeled "victory" -- certainly in the 34 months (but who's counting) that the Bush administration has left in office?

It's a piece well worth reading. And one that makes me ask how on earth did Republicans have the guts to rise in indignation against Feingold's censure motion? And where was the Democratic Party? Where IS the accountability for what the unholy trio and their neo-con masters have done?


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