Monday, July 03, 2006

Bush Financal Spies Protect U.S. from Nuns

Well the Bush Administration may be working overtime and outside every law they can find in their quest to see how much power one administration can grab, but folks rest easy at night knowing that at least they're finding the right people.

Not in this C-level student's administration, where sorta almost is close enough.

So it should be no surprise that this last November, administration lunkheads cast their financial spyware net over the Holy Name Monastery of Florida. The sisters there were baffled as checks started bouncing and their account wouldn't accept payments at their Wachovia bank branch. Wachovia declined any comments, but in their rush to throw our private information over to the Bushies, Wachovia screwed over the nuns. Why? Well, apparently one of the nuns, an 80-year-old sister, did not have her Social Security number and photo ID on file.

Apparently nobody in the bank or the administration took the time to find out whether or not the nuns were armed & dangerous.


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