Friday, July 28, 2006

Reform at Last, Reform at Last, Thank You Congress, Reform at Last

After Abramoff and Cunningham and Casinos, funneling money through wives and staffers and fake organizations, we knew Congress would ride to the rescue and hold their own feet to the fire. We knew they'd step up, be true to the nature of democracy and throw the weak rules controlling their ethical behavior out of the window.

We knew that because we were living in a fantasy world caused by heat stroke.

So what has Congress managed to do with all those cries for lobbying reform?

Well, unable to agree on a number of different provisions, what they're going to probably do is go home to try and get re-elected without having actually agreed on any legislation at all.

Interest groups and lobbyists have more than earned their keep this spring & summer. Stepping up to the plate and funneling promises into ears and funding into campaigns. What better way to derail lobbying reform than to lobby against it!

Of course, members can't go back to their district empty handed without some good talking points, like "The American people want meaningful change in the way in which Congress spends their money" or "House Republicans are committed to deliver this change."

So when your representative brings those lines home to your district instead of actual reform, will you say, "hey, sure I trust you, thanks and go back with my blessing to make it work?"

If you do, then you truly do deserve the leaders you elect. I just wish you'd stop inflicting them on the rest of us.


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