Monday, September 04, 2006

So How Will Rove Spin This?

I can hardly wait to hear Rove argue that this poll reflects that, oh, I don't know, perhaps that the American people are disturbed by the way Democrats might run the country if they were to win the election. Yeah, that will be it.

CNN released a recent poll that shows that when people were asked "How well are things going in the country today," 46% responded fairly or very well. 54% responded pretty or very badly.

When asked if people would say "things in this country are heading in the right direction, or are they off on the wrong track," 28% thought we're heading in the right direction. 64% on the wrong track. 5% were busy paying attention to something else apparently, and answered "neither" and 2% were "unsure" -- always wonder about those folks.

Newsweek asked a similar question in their poll and got a 28% satisfied with way things are going in the US and a 65% dissatisfied.


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