Thursday, February 14, 2008

Barack, Bez Buldyrabyz!

I think it's safe to say THIS will be news to you...

Alexander Osipovich of the Moscow Times has detected commonality in the campaigns of Dem Presidential hopeful Barack Obama and--are you ready for this?-- President of the Tatarstan region in Russia.

"They seem like an unlikely couple. One is a rising star of the U.S. Democratic Party, and the other is a former Soviet official who has ruled his republic of Russia since 1991. But U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama and Tatarstan President Mintimer Shaimiyev have something in common. In an apparent coincidence that has Tatar media outlets abuzz, the Obama slogan 'Yes, We Can!' has the same meaning as Shaimiyev's favorite catchphrase, which in Tatar is "Bez Buldyrabyz!"

Tatar media noticed the coincidence after seeing the 'Yes, We Can' music video made by supporters of the U.S. Democratic senator from Illinois, Kamal said. The video has gotten more than 3 million views on YouTube since being posted earlier this month.

...'Obama's borrowing of our slogan proves once again that we are fully in step with the times, and on some issues we are even ahead of the Americans," the web site wrote. "Our PR tactics are up-to-date, competitive and are even 'rented' by leading politicians."

The slogan 'Bez Buldyrabyz!' is ubiquitous in Tatarstan. Among other things, it has been the name of the official party newspaper of the Tatar branch of United Russia and the title of a 2006 essay contest for 11th-graders.
The slogan gained popularity two or three years ago after Shaimiyev began using it in his speeches, Kamal said.

A spokesman for Shaimiyev declined to comment about the similarity of the slogans, though he said he was aware of it and that, in his opinion, it was simply a coincidence. The Obama campaign did not respond to a request for comment in time for publication.

After capturing primary victories Tuesday in Virginia, Maryland and Washington, D.C., Obama for the first time overtook rival Hillary Rodham Clinton in the delegate race for the Democratic nomination. But it remains unclear whether the slogan will help Obama achieve the same stellar election results as Shaimiyev, who got more than 90 percent of the vote during his first re-election bid in 1996 -- a race in which he had no opponents -- and 79.6 percent during his last bid for re-election in 2001."

Now THAT'S a target, that 90% election success, worth achieving. Barack, Bez Buldyrabyz(?!)


Blogger Carol Gee said...

To the two of y'all -- I was thinking about all my blog friends, and wanted to stop by and wish you both a Happy Valentine's Day. Regards from Texas, Carol

10:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Carol - happy V-Day to you as well.

As for the 90% election success, maybe that's where the Republicans were getting their 2000 Florida strategies from?

2:42 PM  
Blogger Mr. Natural said...


10:47 PM  

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