Thursday, November 10, 2005

Breaking News ... and more breaking news ... and

When is breaking news no longer breaking news? After 9/11, I signed up for CNN's "breaking news" emails. Since then, I have received "breaking news" alerts on all of the Cable news' sweet spots (Michael Jackson's wearing pajamas to court, Laci Peterson's husband coughed) day in and day out. Yesterday, I got an alert on the Jordanian hotel bombings. It said 6 people were dead. A few minutes later, I got a 2nd alert on the bombings, with an updated death number. It was followed in a few more minutes by a 3rd alert with new death numbers. At some point, hadn't that story been "broken"? Can we agree that once you've told me about it, you don't need to keep "breaking" the news?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i remember breaking news...such as the day the new york times breaking news informed me that a small plane had crashed into the world trade center. i thought it was a weather plane and went over to sports scores, not knowing that everything had changed, and changed utterly...
yeah, i remember breaking news.

6:43 PM  

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