Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Hey, Pat, Now What?

Well when Dover's electorate dumped the creationists bunch from their school board, Pat Robertson warned that God would abandon them since they'd kicked him out of their town. Well now that a US District court judge has ruled on Dover's [un]intelligent design in biology classes that "teaching intelligent design would violate the Constitutional separation of church and state," I can't wait to see what Pat will call down upon them in the name of the Lord.

I wonder how long it might be before the Lord decides he's just a bit tired of Pat's claiming to speak for Him - now that's a wrath I'd pay to watch.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what we need here, in addition to a few more judges who actually believe in science, is the fellow who counterprotested at the first gay marriage in northern Ireland yesterday. apparently the happy couple was to exchange vows at city hall, a great l9th century specimen with a large statue of Queen V out front. i doubt she would've given the nod to the proceedings, but she WAS the Victorian age, and so she should get a pass. anyway, the folks from the presbyterian church were there, urging repentance, repeal of permission for this outrage, the usual waste of emotional energy. there WAS a dissenting voice, a guy standing slightly off to the side, grinning, sporting a sign reading, "the Earth is Flat."
amen, amen, amen, brother. these controversies are mostly the product of people who let feelings and convictions NOT based in fact get in the way of decisions that should be based in reason. as you note in your links categories, science vs. idiocy/superstition/not rational.

11:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May I use this space to push my favorite religion, that of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?
Look here: http://www.venganza.org/
Oh, please please don't be offended, it's just a bit of science-vs-spirituality fun. Look at it globally?? And send me out a bumper sticker!!

11:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, but of course one wouldn't want to forget it -- in fact, this needs to go to the head of the class!

9:12 AM  

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