Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Iraq - Iran, We Were Only Off by One Letter

One of Jon Stewart & The Daily Show's best bits is the comparison of what was going on in Iran vs. Iraq and that we really meant to invade the former, but just got it off by one letter.

Iran - supporter of terrorism, trying to build a nuclear (really big and bad WMD) bomb, and other acts hinting at, well, not being a friend to the west, US or really anybody but itself.

Iraq - led by a guy who mocked US president's father.

Which one did we invade?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

very mysterious. i actually think they were a little leery of iran, because of the l4-month contretemps of l979-early l980. i guess they figured saddam would be easy pickings, in view of the sanctions and the weapons inspectors...oh, but there WERE WMDS!! sorry, i forgot how the script goes, he HAD WMDS even though the inspectors had done their job. HEDIDHEDIDHEDID!!!
returning to the reality-based community, there's some suggestion that invading iraq may have caused the "let's get-a-nuke" campaign that has recently elected the antediluvian barbarian as head of state. i think our geniuses thought that everyone in iran would cave, go belly up and salute George W. when he demanded regime change. instead, they went out looking for an insurance policy, and by the looks of things, they are on the verge of getting it. we can't do too much about it because we are...bogged down you-know-where, the place where we were assured to be greeted with flowers and hurrahs as liberators.
how we will extricate ourselves from the bog these people have parked us in, i have no idea. the chumps are stumped, and so is bucky.

12:35 AM  

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