Americans Are Near Sighted
We can't see what's in front of our faces, but we can see all the way to DC and others. A new CNN/Gallup pole from this weekend shows that most people think corruption is a major issue. But that their own lawmakers aren't corrupt.
Only 42% think most members of Congress should be re-elected. But 60% think their own member of Congress should be re-elected. 38% of the people thought most Congress folk are corrupt. And only 22% said they thought their member of Congress was. Well either nobody's looking too close to home, or all those 22% respondents were from DeLay's district.
Bush, btw, retained his disapproval rating of 54% vs approval at 43%. Apparently nobody thought to ask if they believed him and/or his administration to be corrupt.
Only 42% think most members of Congress should be re-elected. But 60% think their own member of Congress should be re-elected. 38% of the people thought most Congress folk are corrupt. And only 22% said they thought their member of Congress was. Well either nobody's looking too close to home, or all those 22% respondents were from DeLay's district.
Bush, btw, retained his disapproval rating of 54% vs approval at 43%. Apparently nobody thought to ask if they believed him and/or his administration to be corrupt.
They are all corrupt.. (period)
As long as the american people keep folling themselves, politicians will continue to grow more corrupt.
(happend in Greece, happend in Rome, happened in Brittian, happened in Russia, ad nasium, all great civilizations eventualy die of their own corruption.. why should the US be different?)
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