Friday, February 10, 2006

Sour Brownie

No doubt attempting to save his professional life (as regular readers know, after watching while New Orleans & Mississippi fended for themselves and being moved out of the federal government (slowly, and with lots of money), Michael Brown has set up shop as a consultant for preparedness.) Brownie used his time in front of the Congressional investigative committee to pass the buck up to Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff.

Michael Chertoff was unavailable to reporters today because he had "a busy schedule." (good job PR flack). But he gets to take his turn next week to push the pile back onto Brownie. So while these two boys point fingers at each other guess what.

Neighborhoods in New Orleans are still disaster zones with no relief in sight. But I'm sure they and those in trailers across the Mississippi coast are far more concerned with the Brownie-Chertoff face-off than with getting their lives back.

Keep your eye on the ball, administration, blame game is much more fun for the press to follow than rebuilding houses.


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