Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Oops. You Mean There's Tape of That?

At some point you just have to feel sorry for Bush and his collection of cronies. Here they are going out of their way to deny this or that, sell this view or that view, and once and a while comes along a piece of tape that shows . . . well, . . . pretty much the opposite is what happened.

The latest round of "oops, you mean there's tape of that?" comes from Bush who has spent a whole lot of time bemoaning the fact that no one could have guessed Katrina would do what she did, that the levies would break, on and on.

So imagine their spin masters' utter depression to learn that the AP's gotten ahold of footage and transcripts that show that they did anticipate a major event, but were still pretty slow in getting their act together.

Katrina + four had Bush saying, ""I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees." However, a few days before Katrina hit, the transcripts show that Bush and crew were concerned that this is exactly what would happen.

Bush was given a briefing on the storm down home in Texas on August 29. He must have liked the presentation, because he didn't ask any questions. Not one.

I'm wondering if he thinks he might have asked a few questions about our preparedness in hindsight?


Blogger AKH said...

Does this really surprise anyone? Don't we have enough stuff yet to impeach the son of a bush.

9:50 PM  

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