Saturday, April 22, 2006

Happy Earth Day 2006 . . . or is it?

What to give the planet on its special day. Always a hard question. What do you give the planet that has everything? The one that gave us ... well ... us.

Well, we're not giving it climate change legislation. Senator Domenici has said that such legislation isn't coming out of his committee this year because "Frankly, I don't know how to write" [a bill requiring reductions in greenhouse gas emissions..] Pete, my boy, I know it's hard for a Republican to understand how to write, but don't be afraid to ask for help.

I have fond(?) memories of the first Earth Day, when two junior high kids tried to convince their principal to mark the event and were, well ... barking up the wrong tree. But in spite of the short sightedness of some, attention on the Earth and its needs did bring some good things. DDT and lead based paint were banned. The Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, recycling, etc.

Unfortunately, we're way beyond recycling and banning DDT at this point. Global warming is, despite oil companies & Bush admin desparate attempts at denial, here and not going away. In a way, oil companies are giving the Earth a bit of a present, when a barrel of oil is going for $75, Americans and others start trading in their SUVs & Hummers for cars that don't kill the planet.

But the one gift we can give the planet today? President Bush, stand up and do the right thing.



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