Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Tony Soprano endorses Sen. Santorum

For those who aren't regular Sopranos viewers, Sunday's episode dealt with Tony's reaction to the revelation that one of his mafia captains is gay. During his visit to his shrink, Tony goes on a rant against homosexuality noting that he agreed with "that Sen. Santorium, who says if we let this stuff go too far, pretty soon we'll be f---ing dogs." The difference between Tony & the Senator is by the end of the show, the mafia man begins to put Vito's sex life aside, noting that he was one of his top producers, and let's face it, money is more important to Tony.

And Senator Santorum? How exciting to be mentioned on a cult show! Or . . . not. The senator's communications director, Rob Traynham's response was "We're not gonna dignify that comment by commenting on it." Apparently while in the middle of a tough race, the Senator doesn't care to be reminded of his idiocy. Tough luck. The man is a punchline and an idiot and it's time for Santorum to enjoy his retirement.


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