Saturday, August 05, 2006

I am Not Now, Nor Have I Ever Been . . . a Republican?

Ah August 2006, apparently it's time for the Running from the Elephants. From sea to shining sea Congressional Republicans are ducking not only their not so beloved leader, King Bush, but also the very party at which teat they have suckled oh lo these many years.

The very chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, Rep. Thomas Reynolds of New York, neglects to even say which party he represents in his television ads.

Those that do mention Bush either attack him for his foreign or immigration policies.

Way to show the love there, guys. Remember, he IS the leader of your party.

So who are these other Congressional Republicans who are busy hiding not only from their Commander in Chief, but also from being labeled as . . . Republicans?

New Mexico Republican Heather Wilson is calling herself an independent thinker and fighter for the state.

Florida Republican Clay Shaw Jr. is campaiging as an indepenendent thinker on the environment.

Minnesota Republican Mark Kennedy's campaign features an ad stating that "[Kennedy] doesn't do what the party says to."

Missouri Republican James Talent claims in his campaign that "most people don't care if you're red or blue, Republican or Democrat"

These four are just some of the Republican candidates who warmly embraced or ran under King Bush's coattails in prior elections. Now you could say that they've finally found their backbones and decided to stand for what they believe, not what they think the party wants them to believe.

But who are we kidding. Republicans are staring at a party leader who has a tight grip on his 60% unpopularity level and doesn't seem about to let it go. That's the kind of thing that can swamp a lowly representative campaign.

So watch the piggies, oh, I'm sorry, I mean the elephants, run from their grand old party and their party's leader. Watch them try to hide behind terms like "independent." Watch them try and play the shell game with their constituents.

And here's hoping that come election day, those constitutents can find the Republicans hiding in disguise and flush them down the tubes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out Michael Steele of Maryland.

Steele said he probably wouldn't want Bush campaigning for him in Maryland and that he considers his party affiliation a scarlet letter.

The Scarlet R - kiss of death in 11/2006

12:45 PM  

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