Grilling Lehman Bros. CEO today in hearings - does he think he's entitled to the money he's getting given that he's driven his company into bankruptcy. Watch CEO squirm.
i think the hot seat is going to singe quite a few execs in the coming months...though i think the appointment of a special prosecutor would be better than these hearings alone. these guys are thieves, real criminals.
If someone gave me half a billion dollars, I'd be quite willing to get grilled by congressmen (who I'd probably have golfed with) for a few hours. If waterboarding isn't torture, can't we waterboard these people or something? (Of course, with a proper doctor at their side to revive them after their heart stops.)
i think the hot seat is going to singe quite a few execs in the coming months...though i think the appointment of a special prosecutor would be better than these hearings alone. these guys are thieves, real criminals.
Are the Repubs on the committee still saying it's all Fannie's and Freddie's fault?
If someone gave me half a billion dollars, I'd be quite willing to get grilled by congressmen (who I'd probably have golfed with) for a few hours. If waterboarding isn't torture, can't we waterboard these people or something? (Of course, with a proper doctor at their side to revive them after their heart stops.)
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