Friday, December 02, 2005

Rummy Isn't Forgotten

What with all the Bush & Chenster bashing going on in this blog, folks might naturally wonder "hey, what about donald 'you'll eat it and like it' rumsfeld?" Well we wouldn't want to forget Rummy. As much as we really would like to. Would love to forget this man exists.

I was sharing a SuperShuttle ride to the airport after the most recent mis-innauguration. There were two 50-60-ish couples riding along. They'd been in town for the festivities, and the two women were simply agog at how handsome they thought Rumsfeld was. I honestly think it was a good argument for air sickness bags being stocked in vans on the way to the airport as well as on planes.

But I digress. The Slate has not forgotten Rummy, in fact, they have a page devoted to his poetry. And if you were wondering what that rambling nonsense out of his mouth is, well I think the Slate is right. It MUST be poems. It certainly doesn't qualify as reality.


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