Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I Take a Short Break and George Bush & Ted Kennedy Agree?

Apparently my break has led me somehow to a parallel universe. Although in this parallel universe, the US president & ruling party have laughingly low approval ratings, so some things don't change.

So in a brave attempt to reach out to . . . well, anyone who was listening, apparently, Bush outlined his plan to try and raise his poll numbers by sending 6,000 national guard troops to the southern US border. Do we HAVE 6,000 national guard troops left? Aren't most of them in Iraq and Afghanistan? On the plus side, when the hurricanes hit, the border troops will have shorter flights to take to reach the gulf coast.

I know I was in the parallel universe when Bush said "America needs to conduct this debate on immigration in a reasoned and respectful tone" and that "We cannot build a unified country by inciting people to anger, or playing on anyone's fears, or exploiting the issue of immigration for political gain."

This WAS a parallel universe. This was NOT the Bush I knew from my own universe, the one who, with Rove and thie GOP, took great joy from inciting people to anger AND playing on their fears, exploiting just about anything they could for political gain.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're right about the sudden turnabout from inciting fear and anger in the populace. they've been raising the specter of foreigners coming here to launch more attacks, bringing out the old saw about having to fight "them" in iraq rather than in the streets of san diego. now they wonder why they can't turn off xenophobes like the minutemen, who obsess about being inundated and/or attacked by foreigners running them over on the way into the united states. you can't have it both ways, boys.

1:49 PM  

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