Monday, May 01, 2006

May Day - Lots Going on Today

Have you sent a card or flowers to someone in the Bush administration to wish them happy 3rd anniversary on their Mission Accomplished in Iraq? Isn't it great to have all that over and done with now for three years, instead of a war that kept going on and on and on with no visible end or hope in site? Thank goodness we didn't fall into THAT quagmire!

Hundreds of thousands of immigrants took the day off today to sit back, relax, and enjoy the love and admiration of a country that has a giant statute of a woman welcoming immigrants into the country with the words, "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. . . "

And finally, the Supreme Court of the U.S. ruled in favor of Anna Nicole Smith.

No, really, that last one is really true.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Happy May Day to all, especially my guru, La Popessa! Heck with "mission accomplished," let's talk about workers. I wish to everybody working in America a decent living wage, portable pensions and guaranteed basic health coverage for all. that's the least our "leaders" can do for us in this rapidly globalizing world of work. and long live...i forgot what, but certainly not "mission accomplished."

12:28 AM  

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