Sunday, May 07, 2006

No, I Can't Make a Difference, But Thanks for Asking

Maybe it was seeing two of them in a row. You know the ads, something horrible is happening, or is going to happen, and only YOU can stop/curb/change/whatever it by contacting your Congress person or Senator NOW.

Except we can't stop it, can we. I mean we all sort of guessed that before, but Abramoff and the meger bites into congressional ethics misbehavior by the press (and I do mean meger) shows us that it doesn't really matter if we flood a rep or senator's office with telegrams to the point of drowning them in paperwork. If it's our thousands of calls for justice vs. $$$$ from the opposition. Guess who is going to continue to win.

We all know it, and we accept it day to day. The press is impotent, the public is apathetic, and wrongs continue to go unrighted because those who benefit from the status quo fund those who set the rules.

Sometimes I just live with it fine, and go through my day.

Sometimes it pisses me off. I think I'll write my representative.

Oh, wait, I live in DC. My rep doesn't have a vote in Congress.

I guess I'll go back to watching tv.


Blogger Yukkione said...

how frustrating. And the DC thing is a travesty. But keep up the thoughts and the writing. Be the straw that broke the camels back.

12:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks yes. Sometimes the corruption and selfishness is just overwhelming.

11:37 AM  

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