Monday, August 16, 2010

Find Me a Rainbow, PLEASE!

Have you ever had one of those weeks (okay couple of weeks) where it just seems like there is no such thing as good news on the planet?

Let's see - we've got the gulf taking another beating, this time from oil.
A whole lot of Americans think that it's a great thing to be one, but that right to religious freedom isn't so much a right when Christ isn't involved.
Taliban justice just stoned a young man & woman to death for adultery.
Iran is still considering stoning a woman for the same crime.
A mother may have driven a car with her babies into a pond to kill them.
A huge section of Pakistan is destroyed and thousands killed in flooding. (How many of these "natural "disasters" will it take before the slow-learning crowd starts to get how climate change works?)
And oh yeah, day after day a major US news channel has been working its tail off to encourage our slow-learners to equate a duly-elected President of the US with a totalitarian dictator (pick one, they've almost all been used).

Where's the good news?


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