Congratulations to Pro Life Crowd
For encouraging some of the most twisted logic one can imagine. Abortion is murder. But apparently shooting doctors who perform abortions is righteous? Dr. George Tiller of Wichita, KS was killed at his church Sunday morning. NYTimes Story here.
This crew is nothing less than disgusting. Operation Rescue (which has spent much time demonstrating at Tiller's clinic) issued a comment condemned the shooting as a "cowardly act." Of course, this is the same organization that refers to Tiller as a monster who gets away with murder on their website. Ex O.Rescue founder Terry called Tiller a mass murderer. So what does Terry have to say about Tiller's death?
This crew is nothing less than disgusting. Operation Rescue (which has spent much time demonstrating at Tiller's clinic) issued a comment condemned the shooting as a "cowardly act." Of course, this is the same organization that refers to Tiller as a monster who gets away with murder on their website. Ex O.Rescue founder Terry called Tiller a mass murderer. So what does Terry have to say about Tiller's death?
We grieve for him that he did not have time to properly prepare his soul to face God." I am more concerned that the Obama administration will use Tiller's killing to intimidate pro-lifers into surrendering our most effective rhetoric and actions. Abortion is still murder, and we still must call abortion by its proper name.I can think of a whole lot of names for Terry and the ORescue crowd. None of them proper.