Monday, November 14, 2005

Slow Learners?

Yesterday I got my third email from a Republican aquaintance who had voted gleefully for Bush the first & second time and is now openly mocking the president. Two have been forwards of email lists about Bush's problems, the most recent was a "song" created by this person to mock the price of gas, lack of policy direction, the bogged down war and a few other issues.

The amazing thing is, each of these people has written to me thinking I will just laugh and pass along the new bash Bush piece. And in each case I've written back instead asking them, "so, what on earth were you thinking when you voted for this loser?"

One response - he still wouldn't vote for Kerry because he thinks Kerry's wife was a financial supporter of terrorism.

We have GOT to do a better job of defining the debate the next time around. We can't just hope that people will be so angry at Bush that they won't vote for the next Republican clown. The Democratic party needs to step up and actually be a party of ideas and direction.

Think they've got it in them?

Or are you ready for more years of twits in power?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

theresa kerry a financial supporter of terrorism? on what planet?

10:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The freaky world of people who think the Swift Boat people told the truth only when they blasted Kerry, not when they supported him. It's a freaky world of folk out there sometimes.

7:01 AM  

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